EZDIGITAL 8552851038

Learn about the "Ezdigital 8552851038 " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on January 12, 2018, Last updated on September 14, 2018

What is it?

Claimed I purchased a monthly service and I never did. They have been charging me $5.00 a month for. 2 months before I noticed.

I ordered an EZ digital tv antenna (last month) and to continue with your purchase there is a check box that is already checked indicated for expedited shipping . I wanted it to be delivered quickly so I left it checked . It mentioned something about something free in the box . I continued on to get my antenna ordered . Now I have seen a subscription charge this month pop up on my credit card summary($4.95). I did not order a subscription to anything and no where did it ever mention one that you could purchase . I immediately contacted them by phone and then immediately canceled my card feeling something wasn't right. I have twice been in touch with them to get a credit for the charge and they seem to think I ordered it which I did NOT!!! My credit union is aware and if a credit comes in it will still accept it on my canceled card.

EZ Digital charged my account $4.95 a month for 3 months before i caught it. This is a scam. If you see this charge then your debit/credit card has been compromised. You need to cancel your current card and get a replacement.

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • POS Debit EZDIGITAL 8552851038
  • POS PUR EZDIGITAL 8552851038
  • POS PURCH EZDIGITAL 8552851038
  • PRE-AUTH EZDIGITAL 8552851038
  • PENDING EZDIGITAL 8552851038
  • Visa Check Card EZDIGITAL 8552851038 MC
  • Misc. Debit EZDIGITAL 8552851038
  • CHKCARD EZDIGITAL 8552851038