Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus

Learn about the "Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on September 26, 2021, Last updated on April 8, 2023

What is it?

GOOGLE *Donations Nf CA. I received a $400 hit on one card and then a $1000 on another card at a different bank along with 4 other attempts for $10,000. Fortunately in the last case, the bank tagged them as fraud. I still had to cancel card though. I want a refund of the $400 as I have not authorized this charge or anything similar.

I received 3 charges of $5 and two for $20 that I did not make.

I had a similar charge - It was for a donation for Peace Through Music - associated with a YouTube performance.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDGoogle Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus
  • CHECKCARD Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus
  • POS Debit Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus
  • POS PUR Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus
  • POS PURCH Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus
  • POS PURCHASE Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus
  • POS REFUND Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus
  • PRE-AUTH Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus
  • PENDING Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus
  • Visa Check Card Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus MC
  • Misc. Debit Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus
  • CHKCARD Google Donations Nfg G Co Helppay Caus