PayPal visa direct 4829

Learn about the "Pay Pal Visa Direct 4829" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on June 27, 2022, Last updated on January 29, 2024

What is it?

Fraudulent charges made through PayPal by this account.

This is generally being reported as a fraudulent charge but when I rang my bank to report it I was told it was a tapped payment and, as I hadn't lost my card, I must have paid it. At time of writing this, I'm still not 100% sure of when I did this but the bank said it might be if the supplier uses PayPal to charge. I think it may have been an ordering machine in a coffee shop - it's the only thing I can think I tapped all day - so bear this in mind before reporting.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDPayPal visa direct 4829
  • CHECKCARD PayPal visa direct 4829
  • POS Debit PayPal visa direct 4829
  • POS PUR PayPal visa direct 4829
  • POS PURCH PayPal visa direct 4829
  • POS PURCHASE PayPal visa direct 4829
  • POS REFUND PayPal visa direct 4829
  • PRE-AUTH PayPal visa direct 4829
  • PENDING PayPal visa direct 4829
  • Visa Check Card PayPal visa direct 4829 MC
  • Misc. Debit PayPal visa direct 4829
  • CHKCARD PayPal visa direct 4829