Learn about the "Dri Telestream Www.Eslr8.Com Mn" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on July 20, 2012, Last updated on February 5, 2019

What is it?

This is from an in-app software upgrade from Flip-For-Mac product.

I noticed a charge on my credit card statement from www.ESLR8.com MN on 4/20/14 in the amount of $29.95 from this company, that appeared on my credit card statement I immediately notified my financial institution I reported it as a fraudulent charge.

Who are these guys?

Flip for Mac. They are legit and recommended by Apple.

it appears to be www.telestream.com for software like wirecast ./ and other charges... simular...

FLIP FOR MAC Purchase. Not a fraud.

I think they are a payment processing company. Look for any identifying information outside of the ESLR8.com to do more research. In my case it said Lit$Lat...which is literature and latte, sellers of scrivener software, which I did purchase.

Video Streaming Software from Ustream support@ustream.tv

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As